ICONIC centre (Centre for Intelligent Communications, Networking and Information Processing) gathers top-performing Faculty of Technical Sciences research teams organized into Communication Systems, Information Processing Systems and System Design groups with close to 40 mostly young and ambitious research staff members. The complete directory of our Staff Members as well as our Research Members, including contact and basic information about their research interests and publications is available under the respective pages in Team Section.

The research context of ICONIC is centered on emerging communication, information processing and computing technologies related to 5G and Beyond 5G networks, Internet of Things and Edge Computing. Research focus is on massive-scale data acquisition via IoT and large-scale information processing via edge and cloud computing systems. ICONIC innovation potential rests on open and reconfigurable hardware/software for fast prototyping of advanced communications and information processing algorithmic solutions. ICONIC researchers are committed to publishing in highest-quality journals and conferences as evident on the Publication Outputs page. ICONIC is in the process of developing its own Research Infrastructure that will provide unique fully open-source environment for testing and development of large-scale distributed communication and information processing algorithms.

ICONIC centre is open for joint research collaboration. We are participating in a number of European Commission funded research projects. More information you can find on the EU Funded Projects page. We are also active in joint collaboration with local and regional industry and our staff members provide research-oriented solutions to a number of SMEs in the region. We are continuously looking for new collaboration opportunities and participation in joint research and development initiatives with both academic and industrial partners.