Dr Rastislav Struharik

Reconfigurable Hardware and System Design group will focus on Reconfigurable Hardware and System Design and Implementation for massive IoT and large-scale information processing and machine learning applications. In particular, the group’s focus is on low-power and energy-efficient embedded solutions for IoT and hardware-accelerated FPGA design for machine learning applications:

  • Reconfigurable hardware and system design for wireless PHY and MAC:
    1) Fast prototyping on software-defined radio (SDR)
    2) FPGA-based implementation of PHY system blocks
    3) FPGA-based implementation of MAC system blocks
  • Embedded system design and implementation for IoT platforms:
    1) Design and implementation of NB-IoT and LoRaWAN nodes
    2) Embedded hardware programming
    3) IoT sensor node design and applications
  • Reconfigurable hardware and system design for accelerated large-scale information processing:
    1) Hardware-accelerated design of distributed optimization/inference methods
    2) Hardware-accelerated design (FPGA) and parallel processing implementation (GPU) of machine learning algorithms
  • Tools and technologies
    NI/Ettus USRP, LabVIEW, MATLAB, OpenAirInterface, GNU Radio, Xilinx, Cadence, VHDL, NVIDIA CUDA, TensorFlow, Python

Group members (alphabetical order):

Dr Stanisa Dautovic

Dr Milan Lukic

Dr Ivan Mezei

Dr Natasa Samardzic

Dr Dalibor Sekulic

Dr Rastislav Struharik

Dr Predrag Teodorovic

Dr Vuk Vranjkovic